MI Chassis 1913 Adaptor For Ruger® PC CARBINE™

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  • Allows user to change MI-RPCC to MI-RPCCSF
  • 1913 adaptor for use with folding stocks and braces
  • Only works with MI Chassis compatible with Ruger® PC CARBINE™
  • Made in the USA

    Know your State and Federal laws before installing on your receiver.

    Only compatible with new Ruger® 9mm/40 cal PC Carbine Take Down models.

    Ruger®, PC9™ Carbine, 10/22 TakeDown®, 10/22®, and Ruger Precision® are trademarks of Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc.

    Please make sure receiver pins are flush with housings before installing chassis on receiver, if the pins stick out even a little bit it can cause the receiver to bind in the chassis.

2 Reviews